Careful, don’t fall down
Lately we have been seeing quite a few people in our alarm service who have fallen in or around their home. Although most escape unscathed, there are also those who have to go to the hospital with a broken hip/leg/arm. A fall often causes a lot of pain. On the one...
Carin Cares goes Digital!
We have been preparing for some time. With the help of E-care, we created an electronic patient file.Ā Now we can switch from our familiar hard cover folders to a digital version. More efficient and insightful. That only benefits our care. But it is also better for...
Swimming in Curacao during your holiday
If you go on a holiday to Curacao, personal nursing care is well organised. We have contact in advance about what you need, your expectations, what special aids we need to prepare and where you will be staying. If possible, we will receive your care plan in advance so...
Welkom Viorelly
We are sad Suzy is leaving us. Thankyou for all your positive vibes, and excellent work. We are happy we found a great new colleage in Viorelly. So if you call or visit us you will find Viorelly to help you.
Happy, Healthy and Joyful 2023
Wishing all our clients, colleagues, families and friends a new year full of love, joy, happiness and health. In 2023 we will be there for you. We always have your back! In times of need you know where to call. Our office will be closed on the 2nd of January. Our...
Thursday and possibly Friday office Carin Cares closed. Care continues best as possible.
Due to the approaching storm, which is accompanied by a lot of rain, we want to limit the risks for everyone. That is why our office is closed on Thursdays. We hope everyone gets through the storm safely. The care will continue as long as we can drive safely. The...
Welcome Suzy!
We welcome Suzy to our team. Very happy that you are part of the team! Our administration will be in safe hands with you. So if you visit our office or call us you will find Suzy to help you.
Welcome Etty
We welcome Etty into our team. She is a great nurse with a lot of experience. We are glad to have you!
We moved!
As of today we are located at the Lyraweg 41 (corner Perseusweg). You are very welcome to visit us. Opening hours are 8 to 12 or on appointment in the afternoon. There is a parking place on the premisses and as more stairs! We hope to see you...
Living in your own home as long as possible??
Everyone wants to live in his/her own house as long as possible. How do you make this possible? Who is your back-up? What if something happens? With a personal alarm from Carin Cares you are safe at home and on the go! Just press the button and you are in contact with...
Thank you for all your wishes and attention, we celebrated our 10 year aniversary with joy
Last week was very special. We celebrated our 10th aniversary. So many wishes, flowers and attentions reached us, we were overwhelmed! Thank you from the bottom of our heart! Photocredits: FotograafCuracao
9 maart 2011
Op 9 maart 2011 schreef ik Carin Cares in bij de Kamer van Koophandel op CuraƧao. Een spannende stap. Mijn idee om thuiszorg te gaan geven op het eiland waar ik opgroeide was een wens die steeds sterker werd nadat ik hier een poosje terug was op het eiland. Thuiszorg...
Vakantie op CuraƧao, juist nu!
In deze tijden van zoveel onzekerheid hebben we een beetje ontspanning hard nodig. Maar waar ga je nog heen voor vakantie? CuraƧao is een veilige plek waar je nog met een gerust hart heen kan. Lekker in de buitenlucht, je vitamine-D boosten en je weerstand versterken...
Even voorstellen: onze nieuwe collega Melly
Welkom Melly! Melly is een allround verpleegkundige met ruime ervaring in de kraamzorg. Dat past dus helemaal bij ons. Fijn dat je ons team komt versterken en we wensen je heel veel werk plezier!
Welke verzekeringen vergoeden de zorg van Carin Cares?
Altijd een belangrijke vraag, welke verzekeringen vergoeden de zorg van Carin Cares? We zijn er trots op dat de lokale verzekeringen Ennia en Guardian Group onze zorg vergoeden. Beide vergoeden ze tot 100 dagen per jaar. Bel ons gerust voor meer informatie. Wij vragen...
Personal Alarms in CuraƧao
Living independent, alone or with your partner, who do you call in case of emergency? Can you reach your phone? Can you find the right number in case of panic? Did you fall and cannot get up, who will help you? At home and on the go, everywhere on Curacao in reach of...
New: Carin Cares is a participant in the BroCard discount Card! If you consider a personal alarm this is your opportunity! In the months May and June the fee for intake and installation (normal Ang 100,-) is completely free with you BroCard membership! What is...
Lockdown, wat doen we er mee?
Lieve mensen, intussen zitten we dik 3 weken in de lockdown.... Het is niet niks, dit hebben we nog nooit meegemaakt en we ondergaan het allemaal. Echt een compliment aan de hele CuraƧaose bevolking voor het supergoed naleven van de regels. We hebben mede daardoor...
Corona maatregelen in de thuiszorg
Beste cliƫnten van Carin Cares, Net als u en de rest van de wereld zijn we allemaal bezig met wat we moeten doen om het Corona virus buiten de deur te houden. Feit is dat het virus zich verspreid en nu ook op ons eiland is. Daarom vragen we uw begrip voor de...
Pension arrangement voor employees Carin Cares
We are happy to announce the new pension arrangement is ready for Carin Cares. We thank Avidi insurances for assisting us in the proces of organizing a taylor made package for us with Guardian Group!
New intern, welcome Sharon!
Welcome Sharon! Sharon is happy to join us in an internship the next months. We are happy to have you and wish you a great learning experience in Dushi Korsow
Bon Pasku, Fijne Kerstdagen, Merry X-Mas
Dear clients, families and othe caregivers, we wish you a Merry X-Mas and a wonderfull, healthy and happy 2020!
Wij staan op de Mom2Be Shower Experience!
Komend weekend 5 en 6 september staan wij op de Mom2Be Shower Experience in Sta Barabara Beach Resort. Van 10 tot 19 uur in de grote zaal. Komt u ook? Wij vertellen u graag waar we het verschil kunnen maken. Uw kraamtijd moet een mooie tijd worden waarin u en uw...
Felis siman di Kultura
This week is het Siman di Kultura (week of culture). There are a lot of events and we are extra aware of the nice culture on our island. Always beautiful. Lots of beautiful dresses, dancing and local sweets. Hope you enjoy your week!
Nieuwe stagiaire bij Carin Cares, welkom Laura!
Laura komt komende maanden stage lopen bij Carin Cares. Laura doet de HBO-V in den Haag en hoopt hier veel te leren in de thuiszorg.
Nathan welcome!
Welkom Nathan,we are so happy to have you in our team!
Special offer for the Medical Alarms in July 2019
Did you know we have a special offer on the medical alarms in July? This is the month where most families with children plan their vacation Who is there for your parents when you are away? If you sign upo know for an alarm you will receive a discount of 50% on the...
Nieuwe collega Felicia
Welcome Felicia! New collegue Nurse. Felicia lives CuraƧao for many years already and is a positive addition to our team. Happy you joined us! .
Maak kennis met Norainne, onze administratieve kracht
Norainne is onze nieuwe administratieve kracht die de puntjes op de i zet bij Carin Cares. Welkom in ons team!
Did you see us driving around in this amazing car?
Carin Cares is more visible on the road than ever!! Thanks to the nice design (made bij Loyals). We can reach our clients safely and in time š
Happy Eastern
Fridag 19th of april and monday 22nd of april our office is closed. Happy Eastern to all of you!
Welkom stagiare Kelly!
Kelly loopt sinds februari stage bij ons en blijft tot en met juni. Ze is een student van ROC Midden Nederland waar ze verpleegkunde studeert op niveau 4. Hele fijne stage Kelly! Begeleidster Jacquelien helpt je een succes te maken van je stage. Geniet van CuraƧao en...
Training Mother and Child Care for the nurses of Carin Cares
Today is a special day! We are very excited to have Trainer Esther van Leeuwen in CuraƧao. Esther is a Physician Assistant Gaenecoligical/obstetrics and works in Ziekenhuis Amstelland. She is also teaching on the Hogeschool INHOLLAND. We are ready for Mother and Child...
New opening hours
Dear clients and visitors, Our office is open from 8- 12 am every weekday. If it is not possible to stop by in these hours, you can always call us and make an appointment for the afternoon.
Bon Pasku, Merry X-Mas, Fijne kerstdagen
We wish all our clients in CuraƧao and far away, a wonderful Christmas.
Ajooo Jamie
Na ruim een jaar op CuraƧao en bij Carin Cares verlaat Jamie ons. Dank je wel voor alles wat je voor ons hebt gedaan. Heel veel succes in Nederland bij Buurtzorg! We houden contact!
Wishing our clients and their loved ones a wonderful Christmas with love and joy.
Wishing all our clients and their families magical moments during these special days ahead. We hope to sea you in the Fortkerk for the annual Sing-A-Long concert. Carin Cares sponsors the drinks and christmas bread during the...
Lesje zuurstof toedienen met een transportflesje bij Nos Lanterna
Vandaag hebben we een bijscholing gegeven bij Nos Lanterna over het gebruik van een transport zuurstof fles. Alle zusters en broeders hebben geoefend en weten nu hoe het moet. Bedankt voor jullie gastvrijheid!
Stoma Verpleegkundige Bernadette van Haaster te gast bij Carin Cares
Stomazorg is een heel specifieke handeling. Dat vergt kennis en precisie om dat goed te doen. Daarom zijn we ook heel blij dat we deze dagen gebruik mogen maken van de kennis van Bernadette. Zij kijkt mee in een lastige situatie en geeft een bijscholing aan ons team....
New intern and a new team member, meet Juna and Sheila
People come and go on an island like CuraƧao. We are happy to introduce our new teammember Sheila. She is a Reg Nurse, educated in Holland and lucky for us, returned to her home island. Juna is here for her internship. Enjoy stay and we hope you learn a lot here....
Bon bini, welcome to our team Lourette
We are happy to announce that we have added a new member to our team. Her name is Lourette and she is an experienced nurse in many fields of our proffession. We hope you will enjoy working with us as much as we do.
Your safety is our care!
Did you know that Carin Cares is the only one on Curacao providing a direct medical alarm service? Having the technology and the excellent service combined, makes our medical alarms the best choice! Why? Always direct communication with a registrated nurse. We will...
Vaderdag Special!
Almost Fathersday, but what shall we give him? For all SUPERDADS in CuraƧao we offer a special on our personal alarms at Carin Cares. Safety at home and on the go. Works all over CuraƧao. In case of emergency only one button to press and you will receive a two...
Moederdag 2018
Speciaal voor alle moeders van CuraƧao geven we tussen 9 en 31 mei 50 % korting op de intake! Geef uw moeder een alarm van Carin Cares kado en ze zal het hele jaar de veiligheid van verpleegkundige back-up ervaren. Werkt overal op Curacao! Direct spreekverbinding met...
Hemelvaart 10 en 11 mei is ons kantoor gesloten.
Op Hemelvaart 10 mei en vrijdag 11 mei is ons kantoor gesloten. Natuurlijk gaat de zorg en de alarmering gewoon door. Fijne dagen voor iedereen gewenst. Team Carin Cares
Verpleegkundig spreekuur op Residentie Zeelandia gestart!
Ā Ā Residentie Zeelandia is een mooi woonproject op Zeelandia waar 90 zelfstandige huisjes voor senioren staan. Het al een lang bestaand project, waar de gemiddelde leeftijd van de bewoners in de loop van de tijd aardig oploopt. Daarom is in overleg met de...
Gezellige lunch voor de clienten van Carin Cares
Assisted living in Curacao!
Ever thought how you will live in the future? How much space do you need? Do you want to do your own garden or have someone do it for you? What if you can't drive a car anymore? What if you need more medical attention? What about safety? This project is about...
Introducing old and new team members
We are happy to introduce our team to you. There are a few new faces like Anja who is doing a great job in the office. She is there in the mornings from 9 to 12 for all your questions. Fahrina and Jamie are the nurses that joined our team. Both well educated...
Landhuis Stadsrust and Carin Cares, together we can make the future bright
We are very happy to announce that we are part of the the project Landhuis Stadsrust. This is a project that combines living your life comfortably in your own apartment with the safety of professional nursing care available if...
Good luck Stephanie!
Stephanie is leaving us to move to Holland. She got a new job and is looking forward to living in Holland. Thank you so much for all your work at Carin Cares. We will miss you. Wishing you all the best and a great start!
New chances and exciting brainstorming
How does your future look like? Will you be able to live in your own home till the end? Is your home age-proof? This is something we think about a lot. How can we improve living as independent as possible, even in high age, with the backup of professional care?...
Geweldig initiatief in Nederland. Zou het ook toepasbaar zijn op CuraƧao? De vraag wat de verzekeringen vergoeden is altijd een beetje onduidelijk. Het is vooral veel kleine lettertjes lezen waar je als zorgvrager niet op zit te wachten. Dan zijn er ook nog de vragen als: wie bepaald de...
New IFE student Vianely
Welcome Vianely! We are happy to have you in our team and wish you a great internship. Vianely is studying to be a nurse level 3 at the IFE. This is her last internship before graduating.
New Intern, welcome Noortje
Welcome to Curacao and welcome to Carin Cares Noortje! We hope you will have a great time with us and experience the local habits and culture while learning a lot about nursing care at home. You came in the best time because you were also here to experience Carnaval,...
Kuki Award 2016 for Carin Cares website!
Very proud to be the winner of the KUKI award 2016. The KUKI award is given to the most active website in 2016. We also get the opportunity to make a business video as a part of the prize. As you can understand we are very proud and happy! Thanks...
Masha Danki Lian!
Ā Thank you Lian! You just finished a great internship at Carin Cares. We thank you for all your efforts and wish you all the best as a reg. nurse in the near future. Thank you from the heart! You are a great nurse already!
Special offer 2017
Are you using our personal alarm service and you want to pay once a year? We do appreciate that very much and offer you one month free if you pay the yearly fee before 31st of Januari 2017 A good start in 2017 with a 149,- ANG discount!
Merry X-Mas and a Happy and Healthy 2017 for everyone!
First Intern IFE
IFE is the nursing school in Curacao that educates the local students to become qualified nurses. We are proud to be able to help the students in their journey and offer them an internship at Carin Cares. Our first intern is Jiska, welcome to our team!
Welcome to our team Lieke!
This is our new collegae Lieke, she just finished her HBO-V this summer and moved to CuraƧao. We welcome you to our team and hope you love working at Carin Cares as much as we do.
Bye Bye Marleen……thank you for all your wonderful care
Our dear Marleen is leaving us to begin a new career as a children's coach. Thank you so much for being part of our team. We will miss you!
Breakfast at Landhuis Chobolobo specially for our Carin Cares Clients
Carin Cares heeft een ontbijtbuffet georganiseerd voor alle cliƫnten op vrijdag 21 oktober 2016 van 9 tot 11 uur. U krijgt een uitgebreid ontbijtbuffet (variatie van warme en koude gerechten) inclusief koude en warme dranken voor Nfl. 35 p.p (dit is voor eigen kosten)...
Tropical storm Mathew passing Curacao We will call our clients who expect our care tomorrow morning when we can see the possibilities of that day. In all cases we hope everyone is safe!
New Intern
We welcome our new intern Lian. She will be joining us for the next months. Lian we hope you have a great internship at Carin Cares!
We welcome the pensionados and workers from the Isla
We are happy to announce that also the pensionados and workers of the Isla can choose the care of Carin Cares This means that if you need nursing care in any kind of way you are welcome to visit us, call us or mail us. Talk to your doctor about the possibilities and...
Vacation time!
Ā Vacation time means relaxing, time with family and friends. Going to new places or enjoy our own Island with all the beauty it has to offer! While enjoying your vacation we stay here to take care of our clients. So if you want to give parents/ grandparents a back-up...
Felis dia di Bandera
Wishing everyone a great weekend and enjoy our National Flag Day. Of course our nurses will be at your service and take care of our clients.
Officially approved!
We are very happy to announce that we received our permit from the government to proceed our work officially as a health care institution. This means that we can hopefully also take care of the people that are SVB insured in the near future. This is a big step for our...
New website!
We are so happy to present to you our new website! Thanks to Kuki&Ko we have a brand new site! Because Ā it is important to us that you can find us and the information you need on the web. Please let us know what you think of our site. Have a great day and a...