by carincares | Dec 12, 2018 | Carin Cares news, Uncategorized
Wishing all our clients and their families magical moments during these special days ahead. We hope to sea you in the Fortkerk for the annual Sing-A-Long concert. Carin Cares sponsors the drinks and christmas bread during the...
by carincares | Nov 21, 2018 | Carin Cares news, Uncategorized
Vandaag hebben we een bijscholing gegeven bij Nos Lanterna over het gebruik van een transport zuurstof fles. Alle zusters en broeders hebben geoefend en weten nu hoe het moet. Bedankt voor jullie...
by carincares | Nov 15, 2018 | Carin Cares news
Stomazorg is een heel specifieke handeling. Dat vergt kennis en precisie om dat goed te doen. Daarom zijn we ook heel blij dat we deze dagen gebruik mogen maken van de kennis van Bernadette. Zij kijkt mee in een lastige situatie en geeft een bijscholing aan ons team....
by carincares | Oct 8, 2018 | Carin Cares news, Uncategorized
People come and go on an island like Curaçao. We are happy to introduce our new teammember Sheila. She is a Reg Nurse, educated in Holland and lucky for us, returned to her home island. Juna is here for her internship. Enjoy stay and we hope you learn a lot here....
by carincares | Sep 1, 2018 | Carin Cares news, Uncategorized
We are happy to announce that we have added a new member to our team. Her name is Lourette and she is an experienced nurse in many fields of our proffession. We hope you will enjoy working with us as much as we...
by carincares | Jun 12, 2018 | Carin Cares news
Did you know that Carin Cares is the only one on Curacao providing a direct medical alarm service? Having the technology and the excellent service combined, makes our medical alarms the best choice! Why? Always direct communication with a registrated nurse. We will...