by carincares | Mar 2, 2022 | Carin Cares news
We welcome Suzy to our team. Very happy that you are part of the team! Our administration will be in safe hands with you. So if you visit our office or call us you will find Suzy to help...
by carincares | Aug 5, 2021 | Carin Cares news
We welcome Etty into our team. She is a great nurse with a lot of experience. We are glad to have...
by carincares | Aug 1, 2021 | Carin Cares news
As of today we are located at the Lyraweg 41 (corner Perseusweg). You are very welcome to visit us. Opening hours are 8 to 12 or on appointment in the afternoon. There is a parking place on the premisses and as promised….no more stairs! We hope to see you...
by carincares | Apr 9, 2021 | Carin Cares news
Everyone wants to live in his/her own house as long as possible. How do you make this possible? Who is your back-up? What if something happens? With a personal alarm from Carin Cares you are safe at home and on the go! Just press the button and you are in contact with...
by carincares | Mar 16, 2021 | Carin Cares news, Uncategorized
Last week was very special. We celebrated our 10th aniversary. So many wishes, flowers and attentions reached us, we were overwhelmed! Thank you from the bottom of our heart! Photocredits:...
by carincares | Mar 3, 2021 | Carin Cares news
Op 9 maart 2011 schreef ik Carin Cares in bij de Kamer van Koophandel op Curaçao. Een spannende stap. Mijn idee om thuiszorg te gaan geven op het eiland waar ik opgroeide was een wens die steeds sterker werd nadat ik hier een poosje terug was op het eiland. Thuiszorg...