

Assisted living in Curacao!


Ever thought how you will live in the future?

  • How much space do you need?
  • Do you want to do your own garden or have someone do it for you?
  • What if you can’t drive a car anymore?
  • What if you need more medical attention?
  • What about safety?
  • This project is about living your life as you like it, but with the back-up of all the services you need to keep life comfortable.
  • Interested? Please send us a mail for more information!


Introducing old and new team members


We are happy to introduce our team to you. There are a few new faces like Anja who is doing a great job in the office. She is there in the mornings from 9 to 12 for all your questions.

Fahrina and Jamie are the nurses that joined our team. Both well educated and caring nurses. Good care is more than just being practical. A good nurse is capable of combining her/his knowledge and heart together.

Sean is our new intern. Very enthusiastic and enjoying his internship in Curacao to the fullest.

For a full description please click on the team on our website.

Landhuis Stadsrust and Carin Cares, together we can make the future bright







We are very happy to announce that we are part of the the project Landhuis Stadsrust.

This is a project that combines living your life comfortably in your own apartment with the safety of professional nursing care available if needed.

Unique in Curacao because of the high quality apartments, centrally located, with the possibility of getting a meal service, entertainment and meet your neighbors or friends in our cosy coffee corner.

For more information please stop at our office at the Cas Coraweg 69

Good luck Stephanie!

Stephanie is leaving us to move to Holland. She got a new job and is looking forward to living in Holland. Thank you so much for all your work at Carin Cares. We will miss you.

Wishing you all the best and a great start!